Friday, January 28, 2011

Werewolf Sketch

I made some scratchy and hairy brushes today so I sketched a werewolf to try the brushes out.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Spire Rocks

I want to add some more to this image but I'm not sure how sci-fi or fantasy I want it to be.

Monday, January 24, 2011

JGE Ship Sketches

These are a few sketches for Jumpgate Evolution from September - October 2010 that were released.  JGE is a stylized spaceship combat game for PC. I don't like the carbon-fiber patterning that large scale but that's what shows up in game due to distances and camera angles.

Upper Atmo Dock and Refueling

Did this last year for the Art Director to put an entry for a contest.

Mountains study

 I went snowboarding over the weekend.  It had been 2 years since last I went and it snowed the entire time. The most difficult conditions I've ever experienced but fun!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some of my speed paints from Drypixel Blog

45 minutes to 1 hour sketch.
45 minutes.
2 hours sketch.Stylized too much. I would like to add better lighting and features.